Doris Remembers Recess And School Studies

Doris remembers playing games in school like Red Rover, Farmer In The Dell, and Going Round The Mulberry Bush. She said that she was always picked last in games like Red Rover but always picked first for things like Spelling and Asthmatic.

She reveals her most embarrassing moment. In sixth grade, in order to pass Music class, you had to sing a solo. She sang Billy-Boy-Billy-Boy and says she can still hear those boys laughing at her.

She remembers building things on a sand table and a school project where they built a map of South America using salt-maps. Doris says she kept a drawing she did of the United States that she got an A+ on.

J L Byars 09/02/1916 – 03/23/2008
Doris Grant Byars 08/05/1922 – 10/04/2010
Married 10/25/1941

Original video recorded in Ballinger Texas in November 2006.