Doris Grant Byars Talks About Growing Up On The Farm

Doris talks about growing up on the farm. They raised hogs for the meat and lard. Her mom would raise vegetables. They always rented the farms and never owned their own. Her dad would supply the horses, plows and manpower. They would split the crop and profits with the land owner. Doris helped with picking cotton and driving the plow horses. She could hoe and pick cotton okay but was never very good at the mechanical type jobs. Her dad was glad when her younger brothers got old enough to help with that LOL.

J L Byars 09/02/1916 – 03/23/2008
Doris Grant Byars 08/05/1922 – 10/04/2010
Married 10/25/1941

Original video recorded in Ballinger Texas in November 2006.