Reflections of My Life by JL Byars – Acknowledgements
When our children and friends, like Tee and Gloria Griffin urged me to write of my experiences during World War II, I did not feel that I could. As had most of the soldiers, I put that part of my life behind me when I returned home. However, I decided to try, and hopefully I have in some small way been able to “tell it like it was.” Much of it has been very painful to recall.
The one thing I would like to express to the younger generation is not to take our freedom lightly, for it was earned by a high price by many American soldiers. All of who were proud to defend their country and keep their families safe.
Thanks to: all who encouraged me; Kay, for all her typing, proofreading and editing; Joe, for formatting, print layout and the photo inserts; Kevin for his having this all printed and put together. I could not have done it without all of you.
J. L.