Reflections of My Life by JL Byars – page 27
We don=t travel as much now, but our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren meet at a lake for a weekend each summer and we all are together for Christmas. They are our pride and joy!!

As I reflect back over these happenings of my 84-plus years, I am very proud to have been able to help in the defense of our country in WWII. I am thankful for good health (despite a 4-bypass, saliva gland stone and light stroke) enabling me to work and provide for our family. Our many friends mean so much. Words cannot describe the love and pride I have for each of our children, their spouses and offspring. They are a blessing beyond description.
My life took on a full new meaning and a complete change on November 21, 2000. I was baptized into Christ and began living the Christian life (that I should have done years ago). I am a rich man – – not in material wealth, but with a loving family, great friends and blessings from God.